Things To Do In Homer Tours

Visit Homer Spit for breathtaking vistas and a range of activities. This recognizable piece of land juts out into Kachemak Bay. There are many stores and restaurants to discover and opportunities for visitors to fish, kayak or take a boat tour.

Examine the numerous fishing boats and charter ships that call Homer Harbor their home by taking a stroll along the harbour. Additionally, you can take a tour of the harbour, discover more about the neighbourhood’s fishing business and perhaps even spot some of the local wildlife.

Visit the Pratt Museum, which features exhibits on the geology, fauna, and history of the Kenai Peninsula and provides a wonderful perspective of the region’s natural and cultural heritage. When it’s raining or if you want to learn more about the area before embarking on your own adventures, it’s a terrific spot to visit.

Take a flightseeing tour: With breathtaking views of the surrounding mountains, glaciers, and fjords, Homer is the ideal location for a flightseeing tour. A tour that includes landing on a neighbouring glacier is also an option and it is a truly unique experience.

Go sea kayaking: Homer is a perfect location for sea kayaking because lovely waterways surround it. You can go on a guided trip or explore the nearby bays and inlets to observe some of the local species, such as whales and seals.

Hike the Homer Hills: The Homer Hills have some fantastic hiking paths for those seeking a more athletic adventure. Along the journey, you might even see some of the local species while taking in the stunning views of the mountains and water in the area.

Visit the Salty Dawg Saloon: This historic saloon has been serving drinks since the 1800s and is a must-visit spot for anyone looking for a taste of local history. Enjoy a drink and some live music, and take in the historic atmosphere of this unique establishment.

Take a fishing charter: Homer is known for its great fishing, and there are plenty of charter boats that will take you out to catch salmon, halibut, and other local fish. This is a great way to experience the local fishing culture and maybe even catch your dinner.