Things To Do In Juneau Tours

Beautiful and distinctive Juneau, Alaska, is a vacation spot with a wide range of things to do. The following are some of the top activities in Juneau:

Take a Glacier Tour: Juneau is home to some of the most beautiful glaciers in the world. A tour is a must-do activity to view them up close. To obtain a close-up view of the glaciers and the breathtaking environment, you may go on a boat, helicopter or even a kayak excursion.

Visit the Mendenhall Glacier Visitor Center, which is situated at the glacier’s foot and provides tourists with information about the glacier’s past. Additionally, there are displays, educational activities and a viewing area where guests may enjoy the breathtaking glacial views at the centre.

Go fishing on the Mendenhall River: Visitors can go on a guided fishing cruise to capture the local salmon at this lovely and tranquil location. This is a fantastic opportunity to explore the Alaskan wilderness and discover the local fishing way of life.

Take a whale-watching tour: The Juneau area is home to a variety of whale species, such as humpback whales and orcas. Take a boat tour to see these wonderful animals in their natural environment.

Discover the history and culture of Juneau and the surrounding areas by visiting the Juneau-Douglas City Museum. The history of the region and the people who have lived there over the years are available for tourists to learn about.

Visit Juneau’s Beautiful Hiking Routes: The Mendenhall Glacier Trail, the Mount Roberts Trail, and the Perseverance Trail are just a few of the numerous breathtaking trails in Juneau. Visitors have the chance to explore the area’s beautiful wilderness and take in the breathtaking vistas on these routes.

Go Shopping: Juneau has many unique shops that sell Alaskan souvenirs, Native American crafts and other locally made items. Visitors can find gifts and mementos to take home with them as a reminder of their trip.

Visit the Alaskan State Capitol: The state capitol building is located in Juneau, and visitors can take a tour to learn about the history and workings of the state government.

Juneau, Alaska, offers visitors a chance to experience Alaska’s unique culture, history and natural beauty. With so many activities to choose from, visitors will surely find something they will enjoy there.